This update is smaller than the last one. I was busy fixing stuff in the academy halls.
You can get pickups in Academy Halls! #
Every mob you kill has the possibility to spawn a pickup.
Currently, there are five different types of pickups:
- Health: restores 10% of maximum health
- Resource: restores 10% of your resource pool (Mana, Energy, Rage, Focus)
- Experience: grants 150xp to your current equipment set
- Essence: grants a random essence with a random level
They have different drop probabilities. Health and resources have the best chance. Experience and essence drops have a lower probability.
There is a minimap in the top right corner. #
It shows all players on the map as well as all spawns.
Red spawns are active, yellow ones are getting captured, and green ones are inactive.
Skyzo drops loot! #
If you defeat the world boss of Academy Halls, you have a chance to receive the Tetraband trinket.
It grants rotating base attributes on ability cast.
Fixes #
- link Regression ability can not be cast, if you have less then the base amount of resource
- link Bloodshed arena vassal doesn’t get killed. I hope this is fixed now but we will see after more testing.
Thanks to @Fendse and @Tengoku for reporting those bugs!