October 13, 2024
Animation Rework: Urikas and Water Stream
That concludes the animation rework. All weapons are now reworked. I plan to release a new version next weekend.
WaterStream got new animations and a chain primary attack.
I updated particles and character animations. I scrapped the Summon Water Totem spell. Instead, you can now stand on the area effect Water Source to summon the totem.
Urikas also got new animations and a chain primary attack.
September 29, 2024
Animation Rework: Moonseeker and Relieving Journal
Introducing Moonseeker
I completely reworked the design of the crossbow weapon Versatile Crossbow. I was neither satisfied with his theme nor his animations. The new weapon Moonseeker replaces this weapon. It is also a bow weapon and shares some spells. As the name might indicate, it is a lunar ranger weapon.
Here is a video showcasing the spells of MoonSeeker. I reworked the talent tree.
September 15, 2024
Progress Report: Animation Rework
I am proud to announce that I am halfway through all weapon animations. The fact that I am reworking some talents and abilities on the way slightly hinders my progress. I want to show you the new animations for the Obsidian Warhammer, the Staff of Burning Souls, and the Protectors of the Lost.
Staff of Burning Souls got an auto-attack rotating and a new ultimate skill.