
War Room Area Released

July 7, 2024 War Room, Release, Bugfix

I’ve finished the war room in the prison complex. It is accessible through the compilation core. It contains emitters displaying all active raids in your current zone. Currently, it serves as a visual representation. I plan to add more meta information to those emitters. The goal is to enable joining or applying to raids from this room. I had time for some bug-fixes. # The third stage of Sludge Madness is now accessible. ...

Release - Council of Elements

June 30, 2024 Desert of Pain, Release, Bugfix

You can finally play the Desert of Pain! Thanks to @Madraox for this awesome level concept. You can reach the new level through the Zone terminus. You can use it to farm materials and experience. You have to solve four puzzles to summon the four elemental queens. After you killall of them, Solarion will spawn in the middle. I prepared a video, so that you can catch a small glimpse at the fight. ...

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