October 13, 2024
Animation Rework: Urikas and Water Stream
That concludes the animation rework. All weapons are now reworked. I plan to release a new version next weekend.
WaterStream got new animations and a chain primary attack.
I updated particles and character animations. I scrapped the Summon Water Totem spell. Instead, you can now stand on the area effect Water Source to summon the totem.
Urikas also got new animations and a chain primary attack.
September 29, 2024
Animation Rework: Moonseeker and Relieving Journal
Introducing Moonseeker
I completely reworked the design of the crossbow weapon Versatile Crossbow. I was neither satisfied with his theme nor his animations. The new weapon Moonseeker replaces this weapon. It is also a bow weapon and shares some spells. As the name might indicate, it is a lunar ranger weapon.
Here is a video showcasing the spells of MoonSeeker. I reworked the talent tree.
September 15, 2024
Progress Report: Animation Rework
I am proud to announce that I am halfway through all weapon animations. The fact that I am reworking some talents and abilities on the way slightly hinders my progress. I want to show you the new animations for the Obsidian Warhammer, the Staff of Burning Souls, and the Protectors of the Lost.
Staff of Burning Souls got an auto-attack rotating and a new ultimate skill.
September 1, 2024
I reworked the way I create animations.
Previously, I took all animation from asset packs from the Assetstore or Mixamo. But it is hard to modify those and adapt them to your own weapons.
Father of War has two stances.
An offensive and defensive stance. You can switch those through the Switch Stance ability. The sword effect color indicates your active stance.
Basic attack is a sequence of three abilities
In attack stance you can access Riposte, Leap and Whirl
In defensive stance you can cast Parry, Intercept and Steel Curtain
Steel Curtain
The death animation is inspired by the blockbuster King Arthur
August 18, 2024
Father of War is a tank weapon.
It is a two-handed long sword. You have two basic abilities. Switch Stance changes your abilities from an offensive to defensive state. Each stance has three abilities.
Offensive abilities focus on damage and threat generation.
Defensive abilities focus on damage mitigation and protection.
Furthermore, after choosing the talents you have access to ultimate abilities.
Like all other weapons, Father of War has 15 talents.
June 16, 2024
Desert of Pain,
I want to show you some monsters for the upcoming world level: Desert of Pain. There are four zones: Earth, Thunder, Desert, and Fire. Each of these zones has its elementals.
This week I could finish three zones.
You will find Cassey at the mountaintop.
But she will only spawn if you solve her puzzle ;)
Ember roams in the lava cave.
You will find another puzzle to solve there.
June 9, 2024
Desert of Pain,
Desert of Pain is a new World level.
The idea, game design, monsters, and most models originate from Madraox.
The level is divided into four zones.
The earth zone contains rocks and a plateau.
The fire zone is filled with volcanic activity.
The dune-themed zone with some oasis in between.
The thunder zone is dominated by the Telsa trees.
I got inspired by the Hyperion series from Dan Simmons.
May 26, 2024
Run of Elements,
I want to show you the first pictures of the new raid Run of Elements. It contains 2 already existing levels: Pit of Elements and Firebound Forge. I reworked both of them and added a third stage in between.
Pit of Elements is the first level in Run of Elements.
I made it bigger and added more details. The pit itself got some visual upgrades. The second level is called Buried Entrance.
May 12, 2024
Firebound Forger,
Firebound Forge gets a new look.
I wanted to emphasize the lava cave look. Zorn and Iphrit already made themselves comfortable. The raid elemental run will contain three stages.
Firebound Forge is the final encounter of this raid.
You start with the fight in the Pit of Elements. This level is lined up for rework too.
I will create a new level in between. I am thinking of a zerging encounter.
March 17, 2024
I can finally show you more progress for Raiding.Zone. I need to rework all talents for all weapons, armors, trinkets, and boots.
Weapons and boots are more or less done. I think I can finish the armors and trinkets next week.
The new talent trees are circular
Each weapon has 16 unique talents. You start to skill them from the center. The red circles are ultimate talents that grant you additional spells or auras.